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It is very important that to have a LinkedIn profile in our field,  as the practice of librarianship is changing era by era,  we need to showcase our skills, expertise in our profession in front of others. So to do that,  making a LinkedIn profile is a good solution.

LinkedIn is the biggest business-business social network in the world. If you want to be there and successful on LinkedIn then it's important that make sure you have a good profile. inorder to have a good profile we want to review THREE factors

1. Profile Picture : 

The profile picture is very important because on the basis of your profile picture people will want to connect you or offer you a business proposal or may offer you a job. so if you don't have it or it is outdated then you have to work on it.

What makes a Greate profile picture?

Close up: the first thing is that it has to be close up, Look into the camera; small, and have a neutral background, and dress appropriately, wearing minimal jewelry and accessories and certainly no headwear or sunglass.

Things to avoid Shades in the profile picture

  1. Bad lighting
  2. The picture was taken during eating or drinking something
  3. Enjoying holiday picture
The picture that is usually uploaded on social media is not really suitable for LinkedIn, because you need a professional look on LinkedIn, So how can we know that our picture is good? for that, of course, you can ask your friends, colleagues, family members, etc, 

But there is another thing that you can do and that's to use PHOTOFEELER.COM. photofeeler is an application, easy free, and online platform that uses AI and technics by which professional like me and you can select an appropriate profile picture for our account considering the following three things

  1. Likeability
  2. Influence
  3. and Competence

2. Updating Background Image : 

Few people do keeping the default background image of LinkedIn and little boring and we can make our profile more professional by updating it, A background image may contain details like this,

3. Headline :

The headline is the piece of text that comes below your name and it has to be visible as an advertisement title as visible, moreover, it has to draw people into your profile picture and make them want to read more about you. by default LinkedIn uses your job description there, so let your company name+job function+most important keywords+Zingfactor instead of job title only.

4. Summery :

The summary is the description you can find below your title. In your summary you can explain what your skills are, your strengths are, etc. for instance: if you are a library professional you can explain how you can treat library users or make library resources much more utilisable and even explain how you are benefiting by that parent institution. You can also add likes to websites/blogs, Slideshare and youtube videos, etc.

So that's it regarding Linkedin, hope this article will be useful to my seniors, junios and others. and please let me know your LinkedIn profiles via comment session.

Thank you...

Mahesh Palamuttath


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